Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Velvet sky.

In the west, past the mountains
where the sun runs from the moon,
a chase as old as the earth.
A race to last until the end of time.

When the small hide deep under the sheets,
when the bats emerge from sleep
and the owls awaken from there slumber,
I stir and create for now is time of peace and solitude.

The darkness is a blanket, welcomed and enjoyed.
Most sleep, either alone or in the company of lovers.
Time will pass slowly, holding onto my soul as is drags by.
My company comes and goes as I do,
for a short while, always the same.

The future will bring my lover near,
to rest beside me, to bring peace of a different sort.
Be still my beating heart, be near to me dearest.
While the sun hides and the stars rule the sky,
hold me, protect me, love me.

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